Marisa Eikenberry - President/Secretary
If you've ever wanted to find a good phone background that shows your love and sisterhood with Phi Mu, then look no further!

These are some simple ones that we created and wanted to share. Feel free to download what you like and enjoy!

About the Author

Marisa serves as our alumnae chapter President and Secretary. She's in charge of all of our newsletter and other email communication, our alumnae chapter website, and our Indiana Phi Mu Alumnae Slack Community.

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  1. Marisa, your phone designs are so creative! I love all of them. I think I’ll have to put them in rotation so I can enjoy them. I glad you posted this in the alumnae group on FB.

    Also, your website is great! My alumnae chapter is Santa Clara County, part of the greater San Francisco Bay Area. We haven’t had a website for our chapter since HQ stopped hosting them. We could really use some pointers! Did someone in your group design it? Did you pay someone to design it? I think you’re going to be at convention. If you have time I’d love to talk to you about it.

    Thanks so much!

    1. Margeuerite,

      I’m so glad that you like them! They’re honestly just Canva designs that have been manipulated a little bit, but they’ve been fun to make.

      As far as the website goes, I am a web developer so I designed, built, and maintain this website. (And pay server/domain fees.) I am going to be at Convention and would love to chat with you about it, but did want to let you know that part of the reason it’s as nice as it is is because this is my career. 🙂

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